Taken from the eponymous drama by Strindberg, Julie by Philippe Boesmans is a compact opera,both in terms of its vocalists and instrumental accompaniment, and lasts 70 minutes. Directed by Manfred Schweigkofler, who places an emphasis on the modern and theatrical aspectsof the text, all of the action takes place within Cristina Alaimo's striking scenery: a long,straight catwalk, deep within a mysterious birch wood, where the entire drama unfolds. The instrument players take an active part in the action, giving the opera a hereto unseen dramaticimpact. The production has obtained enthusiastic comments from both national and foreign critics andmay be part of the Oper@4U program – a well-structured and wide ranging project to help bothstudents and high school teachers become more familiar with contemporary opera.
Regie / Regia / Director
Manfred Schweigkofler
Bühnenbild und Kostüme / Scene e costumi / Set and costume design
Cristina Alaimo
Dirigent / Direttore / Conductor
Joana Carneiro
Sänger/ Cast vocale / Singers
Cynthia Jansen / Marlene Lichtenberg, Marcus De Loach /Timothy Sharp, Lara Martins / Martina Bortolotti
Accademia Neue Musik Bolzano
Musik / Musica / Music
Philippe Boesmans
Luc Bondy & Marie-Louise Bischofbergernach
/ da / from Fröken Julie von / di / by August Strindberg
"The Italian premiere was strongly wanted and signed by Manfred Schweigkofler with a touching and keen direction"
La repubblica, Angelo Foletto, 12.01.2009
"Julie, a jewel in a doll's house
This new and delightful production, directed for Bolzano by Manfred Schweigkofler, who is also curator of the theatre, is worthy of touring other pocket-size stages."
Il Sole 24 ore, Carla Moreni, 11.01.2009
"the direction of Manfred Schweigkofler has the virtue of enhancing this theatrical work"
Giornale della musica, 12.01.2009
"strong, carnal sensations"
Classic Voice, Giulia Vannoni, February 2009
"Claustrophobic emotions"
Amadeus, Emilia Campagna, March 2009
"As well as on a skilful use of space, the direction of Manfred Schweigkofler puts the accent on strong, carnal sensations"
La Voce, Giulia Vannoni
"Schweigkofler was also responsible for directing the show, striving to give it a fully theatrical slant, avoiding operatic conventions and gestures, moving the players in an extremely natural way, without emphasis (...) a proudly 'old-fashioned' direction, at the same time realistic and very traditional, full of strong emotions"
Musica, Gianluigi Mattietti, March 2009
„Charming show, all in all, something the Bolzano Municipal Theatre would do well to take to other Italian venues"
Opera, Rino Alessi, 02-2009
"eine detailgetreue und atmosphärisch dichte Umsetzung"
Opernglas, W. Kutzschbach, 1.3.09
"Das Bild, das er für diese schwankenden Verhältnisse gefunden hat, ist ein skandinavischer Birkenwald wie aus einem Gemälde von Munch. Je weiter die Geschichte sich entwickelt, desto mehr rutscht alles in die Schräge. Die Bäume, der Küchenboden, der Tisch. Nur die Stiefel des abwesenden Grafen bleiben wie eine Godot-Reminiszenz an ihrem Platz."
Tageszeitung, Heinrich Schwazer, 7.1.2009
"La prima italiana è stata voluta e firmata con una regia toccante e aspra da Manfred Schweigkofler"
La repubblica, Angelo Foletto, 12.01.2009
"Julie, un gioiello in casa di bambole
In questa nuova produzione, molto gradevole, firmata per Bolzano da Manfred Schweigkofler, che del teatro è anche Intendant, merita di girare per altri palcoscenici poket."
Il Sole 24 ore, Carla Moreni, 11.01.2009
"La regia di Manfred Schweigkofler ha il pregio di arrichire quest´opera di teatro"
Giornale della musica, 12.01.2009
"sensazioni forti, carnali"
Classic Voice, Giulia Vannoni, febbraio 2009